No subject

Sat Feb 11 12:51:58 CST 2006

problem that I have.

I would also suggest that you remove lirc_i2c and reload it with debug=1
as parameter. You will probably see it probing for the IR receiver
hardware via I²C, but find nothing.

Did anybody open up the 24xxx device yet and had a look for the chips on
it? I suppose Hauppage also changed the IR receiver chip or maybe its

Knowing which chip is in use might enable us to guess the possible I²C
addresses. With some luck they chose a very similar chip.

> It appears that Cx8800/Cx88xx and bttv pops up everywhere.  Is that 
> supposed to happen?

As far as I can see from the lirc_i2c driver sources, these modules are
probably a dependency from this driver, so I suppose it is normal, that
they get loaded.

> When I run mode2 without "lircd" loaded I get the following messages:
> mode2: error opening /dev/lirc
> mode2: No such device

Same for me. Same happens when opening /dev/lircd directly. And major
seems right for me when looking into /proc/major.

I also tried forcing the minor to 0 with the minor option of the module,
so this should be right, too.

> Could someone let me know what I'm doing wrong?  BTW after lirc is 
> installed, the pvrusb2 driver and MythTV are still working properly.

I suppose it is the 24xxx hardware.

Has anyone opened the box yet and maybe made some highres photos?

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <becka-sig at>         =

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