[pvrusb2] // 0 byte mpegs //

Julian Oliver julian at selectparks.net
Mon May 22 15:45:53 CDT 2006

..on Mon, May 22, 2006 at 01:24:56PM -0500, Mike Isely wrote:
> See if you can find evidence that the cx23416 firmware has been loaded.
> The symptoms you are seeing are what will generally happen if the device 
> can't stream for some reason.  (Yeah, obvious.)  There are multiple 
> possible causes for this, basically anything in the pipeline which isn't 
> functioning correctly will result in a lack of streaming.  Given that you 
> had this working on another machine means the hardware is fine.  The log 
> output is suggestive that the various chip level drivers are OK too.  Look 
> further up in your log and see if the cx23416 firmware got loaded; without 
> that streaming definitely won't work.

hey thanks again Mike. my fault, i lost track of this driver. it's in my
/etc/modules now and it all loads fine.

> Another thing you can do is 'cat /sys/class/pvrusb2/*/debuginfo' which 
> will tell you which chip level drivers are actually talking to the pvrusb2 
> driver - something beyond just knowing that those modules have been loaded 
> into this kernel.

great to know, and i appreciate the verbose response - will no doubt serve
as a point of reference again in future.


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