[pvrusb2] Kernel 2.6.18 released - with pvrusb2 included

Andreas Korinek andreas.korinek at wizards-of-chemistry.net
Thu Sep 21 13:36:24 CDT 2006

On Thursday 21 September 2006 09:44, Frans Meulenbroeks wrote:
> Congratulations Mike!

Funny, sometimes I get

pvrusb2: ***WARNING*** device's encoder appears to be stuck (status=000000003)
pvrusb2: Encoder command: 0x81
pvrusb2: Giving up waiting.  It is likely that this is a bad idea...
pvrusb2: Error recovery initiated
pvrusb2: Retrying device reconfiguration
pvrusb2: size of v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw firmware must be a multiple of 8192B
pvrusb2: Failure uploading encoder firmware

when changing channels. I never got that firmware message in any snapshot. 
I can only fix this by removing and reinserting the module.
Does anyone else see this?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind regards,
Andreas Korinek, B. SC.

The Force is what holds everything together.  It has its dark side, and
it has its light side.  It's sort of like cosmic duct tape.

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