[pvrusb2] remote, radio and other issues

leonardo billtorvalds1 at yahoo.it
Sun Feb 25 09:43:23 CST 2007

Hallo everybody,
First of all thanks to mike and all the others who are spending a lot of time 
to lively support this driver. Then, I've a few issues to solve...

first is that I've configuret irexec to handle the remote of the pvrusb2, but it often 
happens that pushing a botton in the remote is received with a 1 step lag, that is, 
the action associated with the last button pushed is  executed. So if I push volUp for 
three times and then volDown, I have 4 times volUp action executed.
Do some others experiece the same or it might be a problem of my configuration?

then, I'd like to set up a media center using an Xbox, but I've seen there are some 
issues with that. Are the issues still present and relevant?

I'm having problems with FM tuner, I can read from the device with mplayer and use cat to set
the channels, but I have no luck with kradio.. again is this I should work out with 
my configuration?

I'm using xubuntu with 2.6.17, version 20070207 of the driver and a 24xxx device.



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