[pvrusb2] Signal Strength Value of HVR-1950 DVB Stream?

Mike Isely isely at isely.net
Tue Jun 2 20:22:18 CDT 2009

On Tue, 2 Jun 2009, Mike Isely wrote:

> On Tue, 2 Jun 2009, Roger wrote:
> > Where is the signal strength value reported when playing a dtv stream
> > from the HVR-1950?
> > 
> > While playing,
> > $ mplayer dvb://KUAC-DT:533028615:8VSB:0:0:65534
> > 
> > This shows zero.
> > $ cat /sys/class/pvrusb2/sn-6202710/ctl_signal_present/cur_val
> > 0
> > 
> > Or is it reported in-kernel by V4L/DVB interface??
> > 
> When you are playing a dtv stream, the pvrusb2 driver has very very 
> little control over what is going on.  This because the DVB 
> infrastructure prefers to "own" the hardware while in dtv mode.  All the 
> pvrusb2 driver does really here is pass through the mpeg data stream and 
> otherwise stay out of the way of DVB.  So any kind of status info while 
> in dtv mode really has to come from the DVB core not the pvrusb2 driver.  
> Thus the sysfs interface and ALL of the V4L interface is effectively 
> unusable once a DVB application has taken the reigns.  What 
> ctl_signal_present only will tell you is the status when you are in 
> television or radio mode not dtv mode.
> This is not a situation I like very much but it's unfortunately what I 
> am limited to with the DVB internal architecture as it currently stands.  
> There are a few ideas being tossed around that might mitigate this, but 
> at the moment they are just ideas (actually really only one idea).


I see you pasted the above answer out-of-context into a thread at 
mythtv-users.  Unfortunately the question I answered above is NOT what 
was asked on mythtv-users.

I answered your question for why signal strength is not showing up in 
sysfs.  But mythtv should be using the DVB API in this case so it should 
have no problem getting that statistic.

By your pasting my answer out of context of the question it was 
answering, I fear you have just confused a bunch of people.  I followed 
up with another post on mythtv-users, FWIW.



Mike Isely
isely @ isely (dot) net
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