[pvrusb2] Getting HVR-1950 IR remote working with kernel 2.6.38

Nicholas Robbins nickrobbins at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 10 17:59:15 CDT 2011

This is how I got my remote working with the 2.6.38 kernel with the gentoo patches (revision 8.) All of this is on a gentoo x86 machine.

My kernel is configured with (in addition to those needed for pvrusb2)

Device Drivers --->
        <M> Multimedia Support --->
                <M> Remote Controller adapters --->
                        <M>   Compile Remote Controller keymap modules
                        <M>   Enable IR to LIRC bridge
        [*] Staging drivers --->
                [*] Linux.... (LIRC) --->
                        <M> Zilog/Hauppauge IR Transmitter

Then the pvrusb2 driver and the lirc drivers together create a device node
like /dev/input/eventN where N depends on what keyboards, mice etc are
plugged into your computer at boot-time. To get around that I made a udev

KERNEL=="event?", SUBSYSTEMS=="rc",  SYMLINK+="lirc-hauppauge"

On my distro (OMD) that goes in /etc/udev/rules.d/local.rules

I installed lirc-0.9.0 with only the devinput driver using my
distribution's package manager. I think it could be configured manually
with "--with-driver=devinput" 

I used the lirc.conf file found (OMD)


I put the above file at /etc/lirc/lircd.conf (OMD)

I edited the config file for my lircd service (/etc/conf.d/lircd OMD)
to run lircd with the options "-d /dev/lirc-hauppauge"

I added ir_kbd_i2c to my auto-loaded modules (OMD /etc/conf.d/modules)

Finally I've attached my .lircrc configured for mythtv, mplayer and vlc.

I hope that helps someone else.
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