[pvrusb2] model number followup: send to me directly

Mike Isely isely at isely.net
Fri Mar 10 19:15:04 CST 2006

First, thank you all for the responses so far.  I do appreciate it.

However it occurred to me that there are roughly 70 people on this mailing 
list now and if everyone individually posted their answer back to the list 
then it's going to start looking like mythtv-users around here and I'm 
sure some people here wouldn't appreciate that.  (I personally don't mind 
- my inbox influx these days is around 400 messages/day anyway.  But 
others might.)

So, for those who haven't looked at their model number yet, then please 
still do so.  But send it to me directly, don't post it on the list.  My 
e-mail address is <isely_at_pobox_dot_com>.  I promise that I'll post a 
single message summarizing the totals.  If anything it will be an 
interesting experiment to see how these devices are being numbered.

I probably should have stipulated that in the request message.  Sorry 
about leaving that detail ambiguous...


                         |         Mike Isely          |     PGP fingerprint
      Spammers Die!!     |                             | 03 54 43 4D 75 E5 CC 92
                         |   isely @ pobox (dot) com   | 71 16 01 E2 B5 F5 C1 E8
                         |                             |

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