[pvrusb2] New driver snapshot Report .... SUCCESS !

Barry Jett bjett80 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 28 15:21:07 CST 2006

Mike and all,

I am happy to report success from the new snapshot on my Debian "Etch" 
system and 2040:2400 Hauppauge box.

I'm sure this is the hardest way to do this, but my steps were :

1) Compile and install the pvrusb2 snapshot

2) Apt-get install the kernel image and modify the FWSEND of 
./linux/drivers/media/video/cx25840/cx25840.c per Mike's instructions

3) Configure & compile the kernel but don't install.  I know there is a way 
to compile a single module but I've long since forgotten how.

4) Rename the existing cx25840.ko (like cx25840.ko.old) and move the newly 
compiled module in its place.

5) Do a "depmod -a"

6) At this point, I just rebooted the computer to restart all the modules.

7) After reboot, do a 'rmmod wm8775'  followed by a 'modprobe wm8775 
force=-1,27' per Mikes instructions.

At this point I was able to do a cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg and get good 
data.  I removed the existing xawtv package, downloaded and installed the 
latest xawtv. I ran scantv to pick up my channels followed by xawtv to set 
the Hauppauge to my channel of choice.  Unfortunately I was doing this by 
VNC through a vpn, so I couldn't see my video....however I killed xawtv and 
did "mplayer /dev/video0" and got good (if slow) video through the vpn.

With any luck I'll have this thing running in Mythtv by tonight !

Thanks for the great work, Mike .

Barry Jett

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