[pvrusb2] WinTV 1950

Roger rogerx at sdf.lonestar.org
Wed Jan 21 22:03:58 CST 2009

On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 09:53 -0600, roccomoretti wrote:

> That's how I got it to work. One additional note is that by default, 
> MythTV gets confused and doesn't want to release the digital driver. To 
> fix this, you'll have to go to the additional options button (the one on 
> the right - I forget the exact name) in the digital tuner settings. 
> There will be two settings you'll need to examine: you want to turn 
> "Open DVB card on demand" to checked, and want to uncheck "Use DVB Card 
> for active EIT scan" (The active EIT scan is what's keeping the digital 
> side open. - previous email on the topic: 
> http://www.isely.net/pipermail/pvrusb2/2009-January/002048.html)

Great. When I get my hvr-1950, I'll now know how to setup MythTV

> This will allow you to actually switch over to the analog tuner. 
> However, MythTV will no longer scan the over-the-air programming guide 
> that comes with digital TV. If you use Schedules Direct or do all your 
> recording via manual recording it's not a big issue, but if you want to 
> do programming guide recording with over-the-air guide it doesn't work 
> so well. (MythTV won't change channels to scan for guide information, so 
> you won't get any new info until you manually change the channel - with 
> OTA info only extending 12-36 hours, you're likely to miss a recording 
> that way.)

d*mn.  One or two of my channels here are staying analog.  Was hoping I
could use the DTV programming guide info.  Well, for now, I never really
record anything of that local channel anyways.


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