[pvrusb2] LIRC Finasco

Jeff Sadowski jeff_sadowski at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 18 11:26:17 CST 2006

Just because I got it LIRC "working" doesn't mean I
know how to use LIRC
I've been looking everwhere on info how to get LIRC
working how I'd like.
Personally I think it would be easier building my own
program but I'll try LIRC out again because I do like
working through things not around. This weekend I'll
try and document all I can about getting the pvrusb2
working with LIRC. Some FYI I don't know if any of the
remotes are the same I know my remote differed from
one that was reported my scan codes where different.
Whats cool about LIRC is It helps you setup any remote
that your sensor can detect. Most IR remotes will work
with your IR reciever. I like credit card sized
remotes and I'm going to buy one as soon as I can find
one that I like. Since the pvrusb2 doesn't have a
transmitter I'm going to buy a USB IR transceiver that
works with linux also So I can build a truly universal
remote. You can use any universal remote as a  truly
universal remote. If anyone else is interested I'd be
willing to share anything I learn about this. I'm also
planning on buying some IR repeaters and placing them
about the house.

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