[pvrusb2] New driver snapshot: pvrusb2-mci-20061003

ervins@latnet.lv ervins at latnet.lv
Wed Oct 4 14:48:03 CDT 2006

> > cat: /dev/v4l/video0: Input/output error
> How reproducible is this?
> Generally if streaming works for even a few seconds it should work
> forever, or at least until some outside event happens (e.g. channel
> change, power glitch to the device, etc...).  I ran it streaming once for
> 26 hours without a break.
  It happens every time, just the time interval changes. The longest I had a run
of  ~2.5 hours. As allways, when you sit and watch it - it works, when you turn 
your eyes away - it breaks. :) I usually set digital tv box to output the
channel I want to record to PVRs composite and then just 'cat' the stream to
file without touching anything. I run cat command in "screen" so I can
disconnect from ssh. Later I ssh back and check if stream is still recording.
Strangely enough my feeling is that when I watch mythtv and record it happens a
lot less.... could it be that mythtv is recovering automatically? _or_ could it
be that I'm using VBR?

> There's a debug module option you can set.  It is a bit mask; there are
> lots of bits you can set, generally in increasing order of noise in the
> log.  Rather than repeat all the info here, the details can be found on
> this page:
> http://www.isely.net/pvrusb2/usage.html#Logging

Thanks for the link, I'll set more debugging and see what I get.

Thank you!


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