[pvrusb2] Trapped on Fox

Mike Isely isely at isely.net
Tue Mar 11 22:21:22 CDT 2008

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, roger wrote:

> On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 20:54 -0600, David Rush wrote:
> > Aha.  Now I'm getting somewhere.  Thanks, Mike.
> > 
> > Any idea how to use ivtv-tune to select the unit's composite input?
> > 
> > David
> This sounds much like the script already contained within the pvrusb2
> tarball.

The script in the pvrusb2 tarball is a simple thing that present a 
dialog interface wrapper over the sysfs interface.  It is a 
proof-of-concept, contributed by another pvrusb2 user.

> ivtv-tune seems to require the same thing, a frequency table.  You can
> get one by simply installing or grabbing the one that is with the xawtv
> application.

Not being an ivtv-tune user I can't say for sure, but I would guess that 
ivtv-tune is going to be a C program that implements a thin layer over 
the V4L ioctl for setting frequencies.  The V4L API has no concept of a 
frequency table; if there is anything like that implemented with 
ivtv-tune then it's going to be an external entity (i.e. a configuration 
file somewhere).  All V4L apps inherently must manage logical channel 
<-> physical frequency mappings on their own.

> Basically this table just references frequencies with you common channel
> id's to make tuning simpler.
> (dunno much more.  I also use MythTV. ;-)



Mike Isely
isely @ pobox (dot) com
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