[pvrusb2] HVR1900 noisy video

Mike Isely isely at isely.net
Sun Jan 23 20:28:32 CST 2011

On Sat, 22 Jan 2011, Martin MAURER wrote:

> Hi,
> Investigating a little further I found that it sometimes gets better
> when I call "/usr/bin/scan at-official" (doing an dvb scan).
> For some reason the analog video is then perfectly fine. I will check if
> it remains fine, but first tests show that it does.
> Anyways, adding this to my startup script didn't help for some strange
> reason (and yes, I checked that is executed correctly)
> regards,
> Martin


In *theory* doing something to the DVB side should not affect the 
quality of the analog side.  In reality however, the two sides share the 
RF tuner, which might suggest that the analog side of the V4L-DVB driver 
for that RF tuner might not be setting up the chip properly.  The 
pvrusb2 driver, being a "bridge" driver in V4L-DVB terminology, 
delegates handling of a lot of the hardware to other drivers within 
the V4L-DVB subsystem.  I'd suspect a misbehavior in the tuner's driver.  
Making matters worse however is that Hauppauge has a habit of swapping 
out tuner sections within different manufacturing runs of the same 
device.  So reproducing this doesn't just require another HVR-1900, but 
an HVR-1900 with the same tuner in it...

Unfortunately I don't have any HVR-1900 to test against (I'm in the 
USA).  So I'm kind of stuck here.

Can anyone else here with an HVR-1900 (especially if you are using PAL) 
reproduce this behavior?



Mike Isely
isely @ isely (dot) net
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